Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 1 6/5

I went over in calories by 39 points! That is pretty good for a first day! I did do some exercise, but it was after midnight so it didn't count it for that day. I did some stretches and that is like -5 calories, but I did do SOMETHING!
Cris and I are in the process of eating all the junk food in our kitchen, but doing it slowly so we don't go over in calories by a whole lot.
We are going to start slowly stocking our kitchen with zero and negative calorie foods over the next few weeks. I think that is also a huge improvement.  
Here are some screen shots of what I had yesterday.


Friday Cris and I just kinda relaxed, he is going back to work soon so we wanted to spend some time together before he goes back.
My 3 good things are:
I have a wonderful, loving, supportive husband
I am smart.
I have pretty nails.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Journey

I recently had family pictures taken, and when I saw them, I was less then pleased with how my body looked. My pictures and photographer were super AWESOME! I just didn't like my body... So I thought I would change that!
Anyway, here are my goals I would like to accomplish, and what I'm going to be doing to achieve those goals. I will be putting some personal information up, so if you don't have anything nice to say please don't say anything at all

  1. Love my body, even though it has flaws! ( I kinda don't know what I' going to do for this yet... Do you have any ideas?)
  2. Find a work out and stick to it! ( Pinterest, youtube, Apps, ANYTHING!)
  3. Eat more Vegetables, Drink more water! ( no more take out for you unless its a cheat day. Don't let a cheat day become a cheat week or month!)
  4. Make sure to log everything on lose it!
  5. Write a post about what happened that day, and list 3 really good things about your day or your self!
Starting Weight: 185 (yikes!) Goal weight: 150. According to Lose it! I will reach that goal by Oct. 7th of this year if I lose 2 lbs per week, and a calorie budget of 1,340 a day. I'm not sure if that is going to be good, but I will adjust it if I need to.